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How would your big head look bald? - Bald Handsome Man

How would your big head look bald?

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Can A Big Head Look Good Bald?

So you think you have a big head. Maybe other people have told you that you have a big head. Having a big head could mean two things.

Being big-headed in a colloquial sense, meaning someone who is overconfident and who thinks too much of themselves.

On the other hand, you could just literally be big-headed, in the sense that you physically have a big head.  

So, if you look at some at the first meaning of big headed that might not be such a bad thing to start with.

I mean, it doesn’t look like you have a lack of confidence which is absolutely necessary if you’re about to take the bold step of shaving your head bald.

Most guys don’t even have the confidence to do that. So you’re already one step ahead in being able to pull off a bald head look.

When we come to semantics, are you afraid that your head is too big to look good bald? If you’re old enough to remember the Saturday Night Live skits with the coneheads, that image may scare you.

I can assure you, if you’re a human being then most certainly you don’t have a cone-headed shape head. This begs the question just how big a head can you have and be able to pull off a shaved head?

Have you always thought that you’ve had a big head? Maybe you were able to get away with it most of your young life by having your hair covering it.

Perhaps you might have always had a big forehead and you were able to style your hair to cover a big part of that. But now you’re cover is running out on you and you can no longer hide under the cover of hair. So what are you going to do?

Actually, there are quite a few famous men who have big heads that you can look up to. They have also shaved their heads and look great and so can you!

So let’s start off by saying that nobody’s perfect. Every single one of us has our flaws. There’s an old song from the 1940s it’s called “Accentuate the positive”. That’s basically the song and the tune you need to begin singing for yourself. The second verse is “deccentuate the negative”.

You also need to do that. If you feel that you’re flaw or one of your flaws is having a big head, it’s time to start evaluating some of your more positive, natural and God given attributes that you have that are attractive.

Maybe that’s your smile or great teeth. If you don’t have great teeth, modern dentistry is a wonderful thing, I’d look into it.

Perhaps you have great eyes. Maybe you have a cool facial beard. Having a great combination of bushy eye-brows and piercing eyes, etc. God may have blessed you with great cheekbones and a very masculine jawline.

If you don’t have all of those, I’m sure you have at least one and one is good enough. Because all the rest my friend, as I’ve said before, is just semantics.

It’s those semantics that are actually things you can work on to improve your appearance as well as accentuating your positives with a newly shaved, bald head.  

You see my big headed friend, losing your hair is quite traumatic for any man as it is. It’s one of the first signs of aging, getting old and of our mortality. But believe it or not, women don’t really care.

Yes, it’s true, some women love running their fingers through thick heads of hair. But women like to run their fingers through a lot of things.

Women find all kinds of things that attractive about a man. Quirky things and just as we men are individuals, so are women.

Some women prefer men with thick hair and some women actually have a fetish for bald men. Your job is to put yourself out there and find the ones that are attracted to a great shaved head. That’s how you develop your bald headed attractiveness. 

Bald Head and Big Ears 

If losing your hair isn’t bad enough, what happens if nature has blessed you with a big set of ears? What do you do? Tough choice, will again the key to shaving your head and looking great is to remember that shaving your head is a big accentuator.

In as much as, if you’re fat it’s going to accentuate your fatness. However, if you’re in great shape you’ll be the guy who’s in great shape, who shaves his head.

As far as the ears, it’s a tough one. You must ask yourself what’s a better look? A badly receding hairline, a come over, etc. or big ears?

Nothing draws attention to the top of your head more than a badly receding hairline or even worse, God forbid, the come-over.

So if I have the choice of having big ears, being self-conscious about a receding hairline or doing something stupid like having a comb over, I’d take big ears any day. 

However, if you are really self-conscious about your ears, more men are having ear surgery. whether pinning back the ears or shaving a little bit off the cartilage. I’m no expert, so please don’t take my advice and do your own research.

But turning to surgery is pretty drastic. Some would say drastic than getting a hair transplant. Certainly more drastic than going through the trouble of getting a weave.

My advice, don’t do it! Your ears, as well as your eyes and bald head are part of your DNA and all uniquely you.

By shaving your head you’re telling the world you don’t give a s*** about having no hair. You don’t care about that or which pop star has the latest hairstyle.

Your ears are uniquely you. You should even have a joke or two about it.

Nothing shows confidence more than being able to poke a little self-deprecating humor at yourself. The same goes when somebody points out your baldness even after you’ve shaved your head.

It someone does all you have to reply is, “Good observation, have you always been this bright?” Yeah, that’s right, I’m bald and I have big ears too, but who are you, Mr. Perfect?”

Attached Earlobes vs. Detached Earlobes and a Bald Head

Attached Earlobes Detached Earlobes

Attached earlobes are when the earlobes are connected to sides of the head by skin, whereas detached earlobes are not as seen in the above photos.

If you’re still nervous on if your big head, big nose or big ears will look bald. Consider your earlobes. Yes, that’s right.

Most men don’t even think about these two small yet significant body parts when evaluating their head shape and their appearance. But earlobes can be key to a head’s overall aesthetic.

So even if you do have a big head, nose and ears, you can still look great if you are lucky enough to have this small trait, attached earlobes. Attached earlobes can soften and add just enough symmetry for you to be able to pull off a shaved bald head. 

Big Nose and a Bald Head 

Regarding a big nose and having a bald head, well I guess you can say the same would apply as having big ears. Just another facial feature that maybe isn’t as flattering as we would like it to be.

But again, you have a choice deal and live with it or do something drastic like get a nose job. 

The thing about noses though, is that even with hair, a big nose is still a big nose. At least with big ears you can pretty much hide them under hair.

Whereas a big nose there’s not much you can do with hair or without hair. So why bother? In fact, even with the full, thick head of hair, your nose may actually stand out more because you’re self conscious about it.

However, with a shaved head, a big nose can actually add a little character to your new look.

You can also help offset and accentuate with the help of eyewear. 

Let’s face it, more men are shaving their heads, which is a good thing. But to really stand out, again, you need to accentuate your positives.

In fact, your own perceived shortcomings are exactly that, self-perceived. In the big picture most people don’t care.

However, if you’re self-conscious about your nose, your ears or any other parts of your body, people will notice. 

So look at shaving your head as your first step, if not the most important one, in revealing yourself to the world and accepting yourself for who you are.

Walk around with confidence. Because confidence is key and anything that distracts from that conference will be noticeable by all.

Bald Look For Those With A Round Face 

Being bald and having a round face. This one in my opinion, is a little more subjective. I mean, yeah when some guys shave their heads, their heads might look a little bigger than what we would otherwise expect.

In addition, there’s not much a plastic surgeon can do for a big head. I don’t know any surgeon plastic who would be foolish enough to try to shave a little bone off the skull and reshape it.

However, there are many role models who have shaved their heads actually do have big heads or look like they have big heads, but also look great. I mean, just look at Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The man is big all over.

Maybe that’s why you don’t notice his big head. But what should us “mere mortals” do? We’ve decided to shave out heads and as a result our heads seem to appear bigger than we expect.

The first thing to realise is that whenever you shave your head and look in the mirror for the first time, it’s automatically going to look bigger.

Because let’s face it, it’s out there for the world to see in all its glory. So your own perception of having a big head might be a little exaggerated.

Try tanning your head. A little extra color will soften the size.

For Bald Guys with Big Heads, Noses and Ears, try this simple technique.

Wear more collared shirts! The bigger and stiffer, the better. What collars do is draw the eyes down symmetrically towards the neckline. That doesn’t mean you need to wear a tie with them either.

Open collared dress shirts can had a bit of style to a pair of jeans or Khakis while drawing attention down from the size of your big bald head, nose and ears.

Not only that, but collared shirts work great on guys with bald heads round faces to by adding an extra angle.

Check out some of these for examples:

Will I look good bald? 

This is probably the most difficult part of shaving your head. Because let’s face it, all of us when we first shaved our heads go into it not knowing how good we will look bald.

You’re basically taking a leap of faith when you take the razor or shaver in hand and those final steps in shaving your head. You can try to go on the internet with some photos.

There are some websites that will actually Photoshop your appearance to make you look bald.

However, I think those are quite poor ways of finding out if you actually look good bald and I’ll tell you why.

Basically, it all comes down to just how photogenic you are. I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider myself very photogenic. A lot depends on the light, skin tone, whether or not you’ve gained a little weight, etc.

In my opinion, the best way answer the question “Will I look good bald?” is to just take that first step and go for it. Suck it up. In fact, when I first shaved my head, it was on vacation with my ex-girlfriend.

I was still nervous and finally just flat out asked her, “Will I look good bald?” We were at the beach and she said that it would be the best time to do it. We we at the seaside in a private bungalow with nobody around.

Even though she encouraged me, my girlfriend still seemed a little more nervous about it than I was! Afterall, she was a tougher critic as far as appearances were concerned, than I was.

But she still wanted me to go for it. She even took one or two shots of vodka, to calm her nerves. Talk about pressure!

I took the plunge though, she first used the scissors to cut as many of the longer strands down as much as possible. Needless to say, her having downing two shots of vodka beforehand with a pair of scissors in her hands, didn’t make me any calmer.

Then, she took the clippers that I had brought and buzzed what was left. Finally I took my safety razor and shaved the rest of my head down smooth. 

After I shaved my head, I jumped into the sea which was just outside our bungalow. It was one of the best feelings I ever had in my life.

I finally had my answer to the question, “Will I look good bald?” I was an astounding, YES!

But the real answers were from the reactions of others.

So my advice would be to shave your head with someone special for the first time. Don’t do it alone.

Do with someone who is supportive and do it at home. Because if you do it with someone who’s supportive, they will give you that initial confidence boost.

In fact, and I’ve stated this in other articles on this website, the best reactions I got when I first shaved my head were from women. 

The worst reactions I got when I shaved my head, where ironically from men with thick heads of hair. Not all mind you, I had one or two who were very supportive of my decision.

But the overwhelming negative responses I got and the negatives weren’t even that many. So take those negatives with a grain of salt. Besides, I found those negatives quite curious.

But when I thought about, it was almost like when you shave your head, it becomes a kryptonite to those guys with full thick heads of hair.

No longer can they just stand next to you or any other man whose hair is thinning and automatically look better because they won the genetic thick hair lottery.

You’ve taken away that one edge they had away and they’re going to resent you for it. So keep that in mind.  

How can I make my shaved head look good? 

There are many ways to make your shaved head look good. You just have to keep in mind that when you shave your head, your head becomes a great accentuator. If you’re fat and shave your head, you’re going to look like a fat bald guy.

If you shave your head and you wear terrible clothes that don’t actually flatter you, you can look like a dumb bald guy.

The key to making your shaved head look good is to up your game in all other parts of your life. I’m not here to give life advice. l need it more than I can give it.

But as far as making your bald head look good, there are several factors you can do to improve your chances.

First, is getting in shape. This is paramount. Not only to make your bald head look good but for your overall health and well-being as well. Now it could be as simple as losing a few extra pounds.

Perhaps, going all in and hitting the gym hard, fixing your diet and build some muscle. Getting in great shape is also relative. For some, great shape is the bigger, the better.

Spending hours in the gym, living around your diet, getting huge and jacked. 

However, for others getting in shape could mean just simply changing your diet, eating better more healthy foods, whole foods as well as cutting out the garbage and watching your calories.

Weight training or resistance training, building muscle too. But most of all, the most important thing about getting in shape is consistency. You must watch your diet and workout regularly.

I’m a big believer in workouts that are portable and that you can do anywhere. Whether that’s in your house or apartment. Equipment that you can just take on the road with you, without worrying about finding or paying for a gym. Why be a slave to the gym?

That’s why equipment which can use leverage, angles and your own body weight is one of the most efficient forms of training.

If you want to be able to get a great workout in, build muscle without the excuses of going or not going to the gym, then suspension trainers are they best! You can just throw it up over a door and boom! Your very own portable gym! 

Suspension Trainers were definitely a game changer for me.

Make fitness become a part of your life. Not only will being in shape accentuate and make that newly shaved, bald head look great, but your health and your body will thank you as well.

Next, for making your bald head look good of course is your style and fashion or lack thereof. Now, this is a little more complicated than just getting in shape.

It depends on your age, your interests and lifestyle as well as how you want to present yourself to the world.

Look at some magazines for some famous celebrities or people that you think look great bald. What kind of clothes do they wear? What about their shoes? How does their style and clothes fit them? What styles are closer to your own?

Factoring all of these, maybe ask some women in your life, what they think but take opinions with grains of salt. 

Whatever you do, to look good bald you’ll definitely need to step up your style and fashion game. That also means you need to consider your age.

You don’t want to be some 30, 40 or 50 year old dressing like you’re still in high school. Baseball hats and baggy jeans, wearing your favourite sports jerseys as well as sneakers.

To start with, get a great fitting pair of jeans or trousers. Nice collared shirts. Consider materials like Merino wool and high gage cottons. If you’re older, get a few well fitting sports jackets.

Find a great tailor, slip in a pocket square once a while. Invest in some hats. But don’t use hats as a cover up, always take them off when you walk indoors, old school.

Personally, I only wear hats in the winter when it’s cold.

Never wear them inside, whether I’m in a restaurant, bar or anywhere. I don’t care what the younger generation does. It’s just bad manners. It also shows class taking off your hat when you walk inside.

Nothing worse than seeing a guy who is losing his hair, or an older bald guy trying to hide his baldness by wearing a hat indoors. 

How do you become gracefully bald?

This is a great question. I consider going gracefully bald is similar with growing old gracefully.

Let’s face it, one of the most traumatic parts of going bald, especially when you’re younger is that it’s the first sign of getting old.

The first real sign of our eventual mortality. I know there are other signs of growing older of course that are more like rites of passage into becoming a man.

Like our first signs of peach fuzz under our noses, or pubic hair even when our voices begin growing deeper as we hit puberty, etc. 

But these are usually the first positive signs of becoming a man, like the first time you fully shave your face example. So why is going bald so traumatic?

Well, it’s the simple fact is that going bald is the first sign of getting old and the first sign of our eventual deaths. 

The good news is that men overemphasize this a lot more than women. In fact, having a shaved head or even short hair is considered masculine.

A shaved head is considered to be even more masculine. You’ll be surprised at the amount of women who aren’t attracted to the effeminate, pretty boy types.

Don’t believe me just look around. How many babes do you see on the arms of bald guys? How many times in your youth did you look at all those hot women with a bald guy and ask yourself what the hell does she see in him?

Well, what she sees in him is first confidence and second masculinity.

There is nothing more masculine than a man with a shaved head. That’s how you become gracefully bald. One word, Confidence!

Look Better Bald! 

All in all, any man, including yourself can look better bald. It’s a question of evaluating your overall appearance, assessing your strong suits and areas where you need to improve. Go for it, leaving no stone unturned.

In fact, I’m sure if you do it right your overall appearance will greatly improve once you do shave your head.

Not only that, but your confidence will get a great boost as well which will make you look much better bald than you were with hair.

Looking better bald is all about confidence and taking control of your appearance

So there you have it. Go forth, shave your head and look better bald, because in the long run you’ll be glad you did.