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Have you got a fear of losing your hair? You're not alone. - Bald Handsome Man
Have you got a fear of losing your hair? You're not alone.

Have you got a fear of losing your hair? You’re not alone.

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Fear of losing your hair. Men’s first brush with mortality.

Most men at some point in their lives, usually when they’re younger, late teens, early 20s, have the fear of losing their hair. 

This fear is more pronounced when you’re younger especially in your early twenties. 

The reason why most men fear losing their hair is because it’s your first encounter with your own mortality. That one day you will become old and die. 

You see up until your early 20s most, if not all, of the stages of aging have been positive. Sure there are some rocky patches during puberty, but that’s generally accepted. 

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But the positive signs of growing older and aging are of course the first signs of pubic hair. The peach fuzz growing underneath your nose and signs of facial hair. 

Growing taller and your voice deepening. Your body is also growing and maturing into a man as your muscles get bigger and hardened. 

Then of course you turn 18 and you legally become an adult. You may go off to college or university and be on your own for the first time in your life. 

When you turn 21, in most states, you are of legal age to go to a bar or a restaurant and order an alcoholic beverage. 

All these are positive signs of getting older and aging. 

But losing your hair is not one of them. The fear of losing your hair is one that men fear when they first encounter it.

What is the fear of going bald called?

The scientific name for the fear of going bald is Peladophobia. This is a fear of bald people. So that could be a fear of other bald people or of you, yourself, becoming bald. 

If you feel you have an abnormal fear of going bald like peladophobia, then you should seek  a consultation with a qualified psychologist who can help you work through your issues and fears of going bald and of bald people in general.

Is my hair thinning or am I paranoid?

There’s nothing wrong with being a little paranoid, if you feel that your hair is thinning

As a matter of fact, being a little paranoid about your thinning hair, if it’s just starting, is a good thing. 

Because the sooner you get on hair loss treatments, the better your chances of getting some decent results. 

However, if your hair has been thinning for a while, you’re still paranoid and nothing seems to be working. It only becomes a downward cycle of paranoia, frustration, anxiety and insecurity. 

All of these will eat away at your confidence, making everything else in your life much more difficult to attain. 

Your paranoia about your thinning hair will only make your quality of life diminish as well.

Obsessing over hair loss.

Obsessing over hair loss is abnormal. 

Obsession means you’re basically focusing too much of your attention on one object or subject most of the time and that you absolutely have no control over. Such as obsessing over hair loss. 

If you’ve tried all kinds of hair treatments and other ad hoc measures to stop your hair loss and it’s still continuing, the only solution that will end your obsessing over your own hair loss will be to just accept it and shave your head bald, as bald as you can. 

Embrace your baldness. Let your baldness become a positive obsession. By this I mean, look for ways to enhance your bald look. 

Build up your body, change your image, dress better. Focus on things that truly matter in life, for example, like your personal and professional goals. 

Obsess over things you can control, not over something as silly as hair loss, which you can’t.

Hair loss anxiety fatigue.

There will come a point when you will experience hair loss anxiety fatigue. This means that you will become so exhausted by worrying about your hair loss that you will just throw up your hands and give up. 

This could be a good thing or a bad thing. 

It could be a bad thing, if you simply just throw up your hands and accept your fate as a bald man and let the rest of yourself go and become mediocre. 

However, this exhaustion and fatigue will also make you hit rock bottom and perhaps force you to climb your way back up to the top. 

You climb your way back to the top by finally accepting your male pattern baldness. Then embracing it by shaving your head and finally owning it. 

You can use your hair loss anxiety fatigue as a springboard to evolve into a better, stronger and much more confident man than you’ve ever been before.

Will hair loss from anxiety grow back?

If your hair loss is due to an abnormal level of anxiety caused by other factors than male pattern baldness then more than likely, the hair loss or the hair that has been lost will grow back. 

It’s always best to get a proper diagnosis by a qualified dermatologist to find the cause of your hair loss. 

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They can then either treat you for the hair loss or more than likely, since anxiety will be caused by other factors that are beyond a dermatologist’s sphere of expertise, they will then refer you to someone who can best alleviate your anxiety. 

Once your anxiety has been alleviated, your hair should grow back.

Fear of losing your hair? The solution.

The final solution that will cure your fear of losing your hair is simply to shave it off. How can you fear something that no longer exists. 

You must face reality, face the fact that you are losing your hair and beat nature to the punch. Finishing the job that mother nature intended. That is for you to become bald. 

So shave your head and as Charles Barkley says, “come home”.


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